The history of website started in year 2003. Two enthusiasts from Riga have joined together with idea to make a simple online window through which one every internet user could take a look into latvian streets, squares or districts. They have purchased a JVC VN-C2WU model webcam (right picture) and built a website around it.
Camera was located on the very busy street in Old Town of Riga - Kalku street. At the beginning webcam was positioned in the window of office building on Kalku 11 and was showing Livu square and Russian Drama Theater (picture below).

Later webcam was moved and mounted outside building and pointed to the Freedom Monument (left picture).
In 2006 webcam became inactive due to internet provider change and inability to have a sponsored IP-address. In present time the very first webcam of still mounted at the same place but actually blind...
Till 2008 was able to stream a live images from different private latvian webcam operators but didn't have own camera. In February 2008 agreement has been made with owners of Hotel Irina in Riga, Merkela 12 street, and new Mobotix IP webcamera was placed to show beautiful view of Riga Central Station square (picture below).
In September 2014 Mobotix webcam was stopped due technical reason and 17 January 2015 - new camera was placed on hotel Irina again. Since 2017, webcam not in use anymore.